Auction Guide - How to Participate

How to Participate in an Auction

Step 1: Choose a Company

To get started, browse through the available auction companies and select the one that has the items you're interested in bidding for.

Step 2: Select Your Items

Once you’ve chosen a company, explore their auction listings and pick the items you want to bid on.

Step 3: Place Your Bids

Start bidding on your selected items. You can place bids on **multiple items**, even if they belong to **different companies**.

Step 4: Check Your Winning Bids

When the auction ends, check the Finance Page under your Auction Dashboard. This will show:

Step 5: View Payment Details

To see how and where to make payments, click **View Payment Info** under each company whose bids you have won.

⚠️ Important: Pay attention to the **payment deadline**. Payments will **not** be accepted after the deadline unless you have made special arrangements with the company.